First group of #WCZRH speakers

Today we are excited to start announcing the first confirmed speakers for WordCamp Zurich 2019. We have an amazing line up of speakers this year and two more posts like this will follow in the upcoming days.

Claudia Kramer

Taking Analytics to the Dance Floor

Claudia Kramer

Your marketing and SEO efforts are paying off: there’s movement on the dance floor (aka traffic on your WP website)! But who’s dancing and who’s leaving the party too soon? Let’s invite analytics to the stage and discover its power – so you can rock it!

Janine Videva

Usability and User Experience of Immersive Web VR Platforms

Janine Videva

VR is starting to approach the mainstream audience especially through the use of web VR, therefore becoming a new tool for communication. As a result, it becomes imperative to research usability and user experience of web VR platforms, even though standards and guidelines on the topic are still missing. This session will present my research on the topic, highlighting the importance of usability and user experience in new technologies.

Michael Hörnlimann

Vom Agentur-Büro in die ortsunabhängige Selbständigkeit mit WordPress

Michael Hörnlimann

Mein Wandel der letzten zwei Jahre. Vom fixen Job in einer Webagentur in eine ungewisse Zukunft der Selbständigkeit. Doch was hat bei mir eigentlich den Ausschlag für die Veränderung gegeben? Ein Vortrag über Disziplin, Freiheit und den Wunsch, einfach mal etwas Neues auszuprobieren.

Martin Sauter

Mehrsprachige Websites mit WordPress

Martin Sauter

WordPress unterstützt zwar die Lokalisierung von Websites, aber keine mehrsprachigen Websites. Erst Plugins wie WPML, Polylang oder MultilingualPress machen WordPress mehrsprachig – und verfolgen dabei sehr unterschiedliche Ansätze. In dieser Session geht es einerseits darum, wie man eine WordPress-Website lokalisiert (inkl. Übersetzung von Language Packs), und andererseits darum, wie sich der Übersetzungsprozess mit den verschiedenen Mehrsprachigkeits-Plugins gestaltet.

Alberto Medina & Thierry Muller

Progressive WordPress: bringing modern open web solutions to WordPress

Succeeding as a WordPress publisher entails many elements, including timely and engaging content, knowing your audience, outstanding SEO, listening to your users, amplifying your content, and others. In this talk, we cover the notion of Progressive WordPress which Google has been heavily involved in for the past 3 years. That is, bringing modern open web solutions to WordPress.

Jessica Lyschik

CSS Grid in the wild

Since CSS Grid was introduced in modern browsers in 2017, developers finally are able to create complex layouts with less code. CSS Grid works a bit differently than the CSS frameworks developers are used to, so there’s a learning curve to get it. In this talk I want to show some examples how to use CSS Grid on websites, including either support or fallback layouts for Internet Explorer 10 and 11. Because this shouldn’t be an excuse anymore not to use CSS Grid today!


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